Architectural Review

Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Responsibilities

  • Review, approve and monitor all new home construction plans
  • Review and approve requests for exterior changes to properties
  • Communicate ARC guidelines to lot and homeowners, builders and subcontractors
  • Track and maintain data on house and lot sales
ARC Meetings
Meetings are held on an as needed basis, as most requests can be handled by the committee via email as they are received.  You may submit your request via email to, or drop it off with any ARC member.  Requests will be processed as they are received for a quicker turnaround for the homeowner.
Swale Guidelines for Residents
ARC Documents
There are currently 5 Architectural Review Committee (ARC) documents available which provide clarity on ARC requirements and were developed to make the ARC processes visible and transparent to KC home and lot owners.
ARC Document #1  Building and Landscaping Requirements  Updated 1/13/2023
ARC Document #2  Rules for Builders, Contractors, Subcontractors and Landscapers  Updated  8/18/2023
ARC Document #3  Application for New Home Construction and Landscaping Approval Updated 1/13/2023
ARC Document #4  Requests for Additions or Changes to Existing Homes  Updated 1/13/2023
ARC Document #5  ARC Composition, Process and Voting - Updated 12/28/2022
ARC Requests Log - Updated 10/21/2024
Forms (related to ARC Document #4)
Addendum 1:  Request for Changes to Existing Home Exteriors, Landscaping, Trees, etc. 01/13/2023
Addendum 2:  Notification of Certain Types of Tree Removal 1/13/2023
Please take the time to access and familiarize yourself with these documents. Please contact any ARC member with questions or for help in using the documents.
Summary of recent changes to ARC Document #1, Building and Landscape Requirements
  • Section I  -  Increase in application fee to $100.
  • Section IV c  -  Removed language requiring 90% of temporary driveway be covered with stone.  Added: "The stone covered area must be sufficient in size to accommodate the contractors’ vehicles and equipment. The ARC may require the area be made larger and/or additional stone be added if mud/dirt is being carried onto the streets."
  • Section X  -  New section on Outdoor Showers.
  • Section XVI  -  New section on Snow Poles/Directional Markers.
  • Section XXI  -  Added language on removal of unused playground equipment or playground equipment needing repair.
Recent changes to ARC Document #3, Application for New Home Construction and Landscaping Approval
  • Updated to reflect the new application fee of $100 for new home construction.
Summary of recent changes to ARC Document #4, Requests for Additions or Changes to Existing Homes
  • Updated to include "outdoor shower" as an example of what needs ARC approval and some minor grammatical changes.

Committee Members

Margaret Connors, Chair: - 856-889-4912
Ron Altschuler:  -  201-819-2598
Ryan MacPhee:  -  732-768-0324
Tom Maloney:  -  302-727-0885
Richard Sapio:  -  703-298-7799
Deb Chase : - 703-868-4258
Doug Church: - 410-562-5660