Summary of recent changes to ARC Document #1, Building and Landscape Requirements
- Section I - Increase in application fee to $100.
- Section IV c - Removed language requiring 90% of temporary driveway be covered with stone. Added: "The stone covered area must be sufficient in size to accommodate the contractors’ vehicles and equipment. The ARC may require the area be made larger and/or additional stone be added if mud/dirt is being carried onto the streets."
- Section X - New section on Outdoor Showers.
- Section XVI - New section on Snow Poles/Directional Markers.
- Section XXI - Added language on removal of unused playground equipment or playground equipment needing repair.
Recent changes to ARC Document #3, Application for New Home Construction and Landscaping Approval
- Updated to reflect the new application fee of $100 for new home construction.
Summary of recent changes to ARC Document #4, Requests for Additions or Changes to Existing Homes
- Updated to include "outdoor shower" as an example of what needs ARC approval and some minor grammatical changes.